Saturday, May 11, 2013

We made it.

We made it to the airport in Newark without hitting any traffic.  We got there an hour earlier than we needed to be.  We were fine with that because it would allow us time to walk around and get ready for the long flight ahead.  We stayed in the van for a bit with Annie and Becky and prayed and that was perfect for calming my anxious heart.  It was a teary good bye, but tears of the good kind.  Just minutes after going through security I (Jane) lost her boarding pass.  Yes, yes I did.  We asked a few security people around the area where we checked in, but no one had found it or turned it in.  So off to a service desk we headed to try and get a new one.  Thankfully the guy was very nice and he didn't give us any trouble or question it.  I just showed him my passport and visa and he  issued a new one and we headed to our gate.

We arrived in Beijing at 1:15 (Saturday).  Our flight had it's ups and downs.  It was a pretty quiet group on the plane.  I didn't even see any little kids.  I (Jane) got a little stir crazy about 6 hours in.  I had a very hard time sleeping, actually I got about 2 hours total of broken sleep.  The last three hours were the worst.  Scott's long legs had had enough of being cramped in a small space.  My ankles and feet swelled so badly that I could barely fit my shoes on.  It was painful swelling and yes we did get up and walk around and stand up throughout the flight, but by the end our bodies had just had enough.  Our landing was horrible.  For the last hour and half the flight turbulence actually made the entire plane moan and gasp.  Not sure what was going on, but motion sickness kicked in pretty awful for me.  We arrived in Beijing sooner than our flight was scheduled and we also flew through customs, so our guide was not waiting when we got off.  Thankfully it didn't take to long before she showed up.  In the moments that we waited I tried no to panic.

It's hot and humid here.  Sweat was dripping down as we drove from the airport to the hotel.  The traffic was horrendous.  We learned from our guide that in Beijing you can only drive on certain days of the week.  Whatever that last digit is on your license plate determines which days are yours.  For instance if your plate ends with a 6 you can only drive on Monday and Wednesday.  But everyone can drive on a Saturday, which is what made the traffic so bad.  Remember we are ahead so we landed in Ch*na around 1:00 Saturday afternoon.  Driving here is pretty much as I expected which is "you think at any minute you are going to die or kill someone."  Our guide reminded us that pedestrians do not have the right of way.  Here cars rule the road, bikes come in second and people walking last.  It's true, there were several people in our van driver's way and he wasn't stopping for a single one of them.  It was fascinating (as well as frightening) because the walkers do not fear the 40 mph oncoming van, they just simply step aside enough to give the driver room...and it's not a lot of room so you feel like you are still brushing against the walker anyway.  But it doesn't phase them a single bit.  I've decided I won't be doing any walking here!  Sorta joking, but not really.

We got to the hotel and coming into the lobby was really nice.  Walking down the hall on our floor not so nice.  The air reeked of smoke, I mean reeked.  We have been in our room for about three hours now and I have a sore throat and I know it is from the air quality.  I know we were warned about this and there is not much we can do about it, but I'm telling you it is awful and makes you feel physically sick.

We were so exhausted, especially me.  I did not sleep at all the night before leaving and only had three hours of sleep the night before that.  Not sleeping on the plane has pushed me over the edge.  We were not in our room but 10 minutes and the tears were streaming down my cheeks.  The culture shock, the smells, the noises, the realization we aren't "in Kansas anymore"  and missing our kids were terribly overwhelming and no sleep intensified it dramatically.  We need to get to a store and buy water, but we were both so exhausted we decided to take a nap.  So we set our alarm so we wouldn't sleep so long that it would interfere with overcomoing the time change later.  We put our heads on the pillows and we were both out!  We slept a good solid hour and although felt sluggish when we woke up mentally we were feeling a littel more stable.

Please pray for us.  I know you are, but this is not some luxury vacation.  Even staying in what is considered a nice hotel still doesn't compare to what we are use to at home.  It's dirty, the air is dry and smells of smoke and let's not forget we can't drink or even brush our teeth with the water.  Scott's doing great and I'm falling apart.  I know it will take some adjusting, but I'm ready to come home and we haven't even been here one night.


  1. Scott and Jane,

    Ray and I are praying for the peace that only God can give during a time where you find yourself in an unfamiliar place. When you have recovered from fatigue, venture out and see the wonder of God's fertile ground. It reminds me of Steven Curtis Chapman's song "Yours God". I can't seem to put a utube video on your blog. I will message it through facebook perhaps. IT may give you a renewed strength and courageous spirit.

    If you took cough drops use those to ease the pain in your throat. It is not a cure all, but it can relieve the pain that the air is causing. Eye drops will help with the itchy eyes.

    1. Amy, I never heard tat song before but wow is it great! Thanks for the tip on the cough drops, I do have some along.

  2. I know that feeling of entering a new country. It's overwhelming and disconcerting. Be still. God is with you! One moment at a time. : ) I am praying!

  3. I'm praying for you - it's so hard when the "first impression" of the whole trip is a tough one. Get yourselves a case of water, drink as much of it in the first day or two that you can. And don't be afraid to ask for a different room, sooner than later. I regret that we waited as long this trip as we did. I also found (on my hard days) that having worship music on (in the room, in my ears, etc) was so helpful toward changing my mood and towards preparing our hearts.

    Hang in there. You can do it. Praying for your eyes to be fixed on the prize and the purpose of this adventure and for HIM to turn it around so that you can thoroughly enjoy it all from here forward!

  4. ((HUGS))

    ... may "something" - today- fill your heart to overflowing!!

  5. Scott and Jane, please know that we are so excited you arrived but so wishing things could "feel" better for you both. Praying for good sleep and calm nerves. Thinking of you holding precious Mercy so soon hopefully can help sustain you both!!! You are where she is!!!How exciting. love you both.

  6. It's Scott that I'm praying for. Love ya'.

  7. Yes, the most dangerous part of China is crossing the road! I learned you wait until a group forms (safety in numbers) and cross the road with them. The bikes and motor bikes are worse than the cars! I got hit with a bike on the sidewalk - cut my leg. In one hotel, we were on the non smoking floor. Enjoy the experience despite the lack of comforts! kim r

  8. In a few short hours the exhaustion will be forgotten when you are holding Mercy in your arms. Ask for a new room on a different floor before you do to much unpacking. Drink lots and lots of water and sleep until you are rested. Can not wait to hear more about your trip. We are praying for you that you can rest in Him. - Love ya, Dan, Brenda, Dylan and Olivia.

  9. I read this post today from a friend who is adopting a micro-preemie. (He just hit 2 pounds this week). Dad and seven kids are in PA. Mom is with the baby in the NICU in Utah.

    Lick your popsicle and stick close to your Father. He is leading you well!


    When Andrew was 4 years old, he was diagnosed with craniosynostosis which required cranial reconstruction to correct. We have a photo of Andrew the morning of surgery, happily eating his breakfast of popsicle. What 4 year old wouldn't be happy with popsicle for breakfast? His big smile comes from not only getting a popsicle for breakfast but also from being blissfully unaware of what that day, and the next few weeks were going to hold. Because how can you prepare a 4 year old for this kind of surgery? We didn't hide it from him. We talked about it on a 4 year old level and he was quick to tell others, "The doctors are going to cut my head and fix my skull." He knew what was coming but he didn't really KNOW. No parent is going to fill their child with fear by describing exactly what is going to transpire, the details of the procedure,the pain that is going to come, and the recovery afterward.

    So did we know what we were getting into by saying yes to a micro preemie? We talked to those who had been there. We talked to experts. We did our research. We knew what to expect but we didn't KNOW. In the same way that we hid the details from Andrew, God lovingly keeps us from knowing too much before we take a step forward. If we had really KNOWN how difficult this was going to be, would we have said yes? Probably not. We happily ate our popsicles and followed our Father to the hospital. We are in His hands as are our tomorrows. Like my four year old when surgery approached, I'm not going to worry about what I don't know. At least I'm trying.

  10. Hi Jane and Scott praying for you. All this crazy stuff will just be a funny memory when you get home. It also helps us realize how much God has blessed us where we live. Beware the cars will drive on the sidewalk if necessary!
